Anggotanya terpilih dalam acara pencari bakat m!pick bulan Maret 2005. Acara hasil kerja sama televisi kabel KM dan Mnet ini membuat mereka populer. KafeGyeonggo) dirilis bulan Juni 2005. Anggotanya aktif sebagai MC, model, bintang iklan, pertunjukan beragam, DJ, dan aktor. khusus penggemar bahkan sudah dibuka sebelum SS501 resmi memulai debutnya. Singel perdana mereka "경고" (
Awalnya, "S" pertama dari "SS501" adalah singkatan untuk "Super", sedangkan "S" kedua untuk "Singersongwriter". Angka "5" melambangkan jumlah anggota, 0 melambangkan "tak terhingga", dan "1" berarti nomor 1. Namun sekarang, "S" pertama berarti "Sun, Star, Special" yang menjadi lambang masa depan mereka. Sementara "S" kedua adalah singkatan untuk "singer", dan "501" berarti 5 yang abadi menjadi satu.[1]
Pada April 2006, SS501 manggung di Nippon Budōkan memperingati mulai mengudaranya televisi kabel Mnet Japan. Di keesokan harinya mereka mengadakan jumpa penggemar. Konser pertama di Jepang diadakan di Grand Cube Osaka, bulan September tahun yang sama. Setelah bersiap untuk debut di Jepang, singel maxi "Kokoro" dirilis bulan Agustus 2007. "Kokoro" sampai di tangga lagu Oricon urutan ke-5.[1] Singel kedua, "Distance ~Kimi to no Kyori" dirilis 19 September 2007, dan sampai di urutan ke-3 Oricon.[1] Setelah itu, album perdana, SS501 dirilis 24 Oktober2007.
Pengalaman: DJ tetap SBS FM acara "SS501 Youngstreet" (Mei 2006-April 2007), pembawa acara televisi Great Expectations (Nukkimpyo: Widaehan Yusan 74434; hangul: 느낌표: 위대한 유산 (MBC, Desember 2006-April 2007), bintang tetap acara Ikemen Gasshūkoku (Fuji TV, Oktober 2007-sekarang)
Kumo Gakure Zetsu muncul dari dalam tanah Hidan : Zetsu ? Zetsu (hitam) : Kelihatannya kau sudah melaksanakan tugasmu dan ritual panjang yang konyol tadi.
Hidan : Kalian semua tak henti-hentinya membuatku kesal. Dasar atheis sialan! Zetsu (putih) : Saat kau sedih dan sendirian, Zetsu (hitam) : Satu-satunya yang bisa benar-benar kau percaya adalah dirimu sendiri. Kakuzu : Tidak juga. Kukatakan bahwa satu-satunya hal yang bisa kau percaya adalah uang. Ini dia.
Hidan : Aku serius, pekerjaan sampinganmu itulah yang membuat kita makan waktu yang sangat lama dalam mencari jinchuuriki. Kakuzu : Aku berpartner denganmu hanyalah karena kupikir aku bisa mendapatkan uang dari agamamu. Lag pula, aku memanajemen keuangan Akatsuki. Mengertilah aku sebentar saja. Zetsu (hitam) : Uang itu penting, Tapi lebih penting lagi mendapatkan yang selanjutnya. Zetsu (putih) : Aku akan membawa Nibi.
Konoha Gakure
Naruto berusaha membelah daun
Yamato : Kau yakin sudah baikan? Kau baru saja keluar rumah sakit. Naruto : sudah kubilang itu bukan masalah. Kakashi : Mari hentikan basa-basinya dan melanjutkan latihan kita. Tapi mari kita tinjau dasarnya dulu. Naruto : Lupakan itu! Cepatlah dan ajari aku jutsu baru! Seperti Ultra super rasengan atau Uzumaki Naruto rasengan spesial! Yamato : itulah mengapa kau latihan manipulasi alamiah chakra, ingatkan? Lima elemen dasar adalah katon, futon, suiton, kaminari dan doton. Dan elemenmu adalah… Naruto : Elemenku futon
Daun terbelah
Kakashi : Mari kita lanjutkan dengan melihat hasil perkembanganmu dari latihan terakhir. Naruto : Taju kage bunshin no jutsu. Naruto membuat banyak bunshin dan masing-masing berusaha membelah daun. Naruto : Tipis dan tajam
Naruto pingsan
Naruto istirahat
Naruto berhasil membelah daun Naruto : Kami berhasil. Kau lihatkan itu Kakashi sensei? Naruto menghilangkan bunshinnya, tiba-tiba Naruto jatuh pingsan. Kakashi segera menangkapnya. Kakashi : Terlalu memaksakan diri Walaupun ia baru saja sembuh… Yamato : Ditambah lagi, taju kage bunshin no jutsu yang membuat latihan lebih efisien. Tak perlu menggunakannya hanya untuk mempercepat hasilnya. Kakashi : Inilah Naruto kita
Hi no Kuni – Depan Hi no Tera Kakuzu dan Hidan sedang berjalan. Hidan : Seberapa jauh lagi? Tempat ini jauh sekali di dalam gunung. Kakuzu : Sebentar lagi. Hidan : Dari tadi sebentar lagi terus. (Melihat tangga lagi). Oh tidak!! Tangga lagi??? Tidak mungkin ada jinchuuriki di sekitar sini. Aku mulai jenuh disini. Kakuzu : jika kau mengeluh terus. Kubunuh kau. Hidan : Ya. Ya. Seperti yang bisa saja. Kakuzu. Dasar!
Konoha – Ruang Hokage
Hokage : Walaupun banyak variabel, ini adalah rencana penyerangan terbaik yang kita punya saat ini. Kumpulkan dan siapkan dalam dua atau tiga hari. Hokage memberikan secarik kertas pada Shizune Shizune : Ya. Mengerti. Hokage : Maaf merepotkanmu. Tapi kita tak punya banyak waktu lagi. ***** Kakashi : Kau sudah sadar? Naruto : Ap…? Aku pingsan lagi ya? Kakashi : Istirahat saja. Memforsil taju kage bunshin akan membuatmu cepat lelah. Kita akan lanjutkan latihan level selanjutnya setelah kau istirahat sebentar. Naruto : Apa yang akan kita lakukan di level selanjutnya? Kakashi : Level selanjutnya adalah… membelah air terjun. Letakkan tanganmu di air terjun dan belahlah menggunakan chakra futonmu!
Naruto sadar
Naruto : membelah air terjun? Yamato : Latihan ini membutuhkan kau menggunakan manipulasi alamiah dalam chakra skala besar sekaligus. Jika kau tak bisa maka kau tak bisa membelah air terjun. Secara jelasnya, dengan menguasai tahap ini, itu artinya kau telah sanggup menggunakan chakra angin dalam pertarungan sesungguhnya. Naruto : Jika aku menguasai ini, berarti aku telah menguasai satu elemen chakra, benarkan? Baikllah aku akan menjadi lebih baik. Kakashi : Si bodoh seperti Naruto… Aku tak pernah mengira ia akan menguasai manipulasi alamiah sebegini cepatnya. Metode latihan ini sangat cocok baginya
Naruto bersiap
Naruto : Istirahat selesai. Waktunya latihan lagi Yamato : Ninpou. Mokuton no jutsu! Yamato menumbuhkan dua buah pohon di samping air terjun lalu kedua pohon tersebut batangnya terhubungkan satu sama lain hingga Naruto bisa berdiri di depan air terjun. Yamato : Di sanalah kau akan latihan. (Naruto segera berlari) Kakashi : Tunggu dulu. Naruto : Ada apa? Kakashi : Aku sudah memberitahukanmu bahwa kita membutuhkan chakra Yamato untuk mengendalikan latihan ini kan?. Yamato, aku mengandalkanmu. Yamato bersila dan menggunakan jutsunya dan membentuk susunan kayu di sekelilingnya. Yamato : Semuanya sudah siap Naruto. Naruto : Taju kage bunshin no jutsu! Sepuluh Naruto berdiri di depan air terjun Naruto : Bayangkan chakra angin.. Naruto teringat latihannya pada Asuma.
Yamato menjaga Naruto
Sai dan Sakura
Naruto : Tipis dan tajam. Ayo lakukan teman-teman! Ayo…… Sial. Air terjun ini susah sekali terbelah…. Ayo teruskan… Kakashi : Kelihatannya bakalan lama (Kakashi mengambil buku icha-icha tactic.) Yamato : Ya. Kita harus bersabar sedikit. Sakura dan Sai memantau latihan Naruto dari jauh. ****
Toko obat Kanhou Sakura baru saja membeli bahan-bahan membuat obat. Sakura : sekarang aku sudah mendapatkan semua bahan-bahannya. Waktunya membuat pil prajurit Sakura spesial. Aku yakin ia akan memaksakan dirinya terlalu berat dalam latihan ini. Terlalu memaksakan diri bukan hanya bisa membuat badan menjadi tegang, namun juga bisa membuat keahlian menurun. Dan dia adalah orang dengan tipe bekerja keras lebih dari siapapun. Benar. Aku harus membantunya sejauh yang aku bisa.
Naruto terus latihan
Kakashi tiduran
**** Hujan. Naruto masih meneruskan latihannya. Panas. Naruto masih meneruskan latihannya. Naruto : Sialan… sial.. Kakashi :(sambil tiduran membaca novel) kurasa dia harus melihat contoh.
Hidan mengeraskan tinjunya
Akatsuki masuk kuil
Hi no Tera Hidan : Ini kuil. Apa betul ada jinchuuriki disini? Kakuzu : Tak tahulah. Tapi ini bukanlah kuil ajaranmu. Sepertinya dia memang disini. Kakuzu mengeraskan tinjunya dan memukul gerbang
Chiriku meditasi
Biksu : Ada apa?…. Seseorang menjebol gerbang baja!… Laporkan pada Chiriku sama! Hidan : Kelihatannya disini tidak ada yang tertarik masuk ajaran Jashin. Payah. Biksu : Jubah itu!… kabar burung itu … tak salah lagi. Mereka Akatsuki. **** Chiriku sedang meditasi Biksu : Ada penyusup! Chiriku : Siapa mereka? Biksu : Mereka dari Akatsuki. Chiriku : Aku tahu hari ini pasti akan tiba. Aku akan hadapi mereka. Yang lainnya akan jadi back up. **** Chiriku maju ke depan Hidan : Kelihatannya ada yang sok mau jadi pahlawan! Tapi nggak ada tampang. Kakuzu : Daftar buronan mengatakan kepalanya berharga sebesar 30 juta ryou.
Chiriku maju
Chiriku vs Akatsuki
Hidan : Wah. Jangan-jangan kita kesini mengejar uang dari orang ini. Membunuh biksu itu bukan tiket menuju surga, tahu tidak? Kakuzu : Bahkan neraka pun pasti butuh uang untuk menjalankannya. Tak masalah.
Chiriku : Aku tak tahu apa yang kalian inginkan disini, tapi pergilah. Kakuzu : Kudengar ada kuil di Hi no kuni yang dihuni oleh para biksu ninja. Dikatakan bahwa ada yang memiliki kekuatan yang disebut senzoku no Sai. Manusia senilai 30 juta ryou. Ninja elit mantan shugonin junishi yang bertugas menjaga Daimyou. Selendang dengan symbol Hi no Kuni adalah buktinya.
Raigou senjusatsu
Hidan : Jadi dia hebat ya? Kakuzu : Jangan ceroboh, nanti kau mati. Hidan : Mana mungkin bisa begitu, Kakuzu! Kakuzu dan Hidan menyerang, Chiriku menggunakan jutsu khusus. Dibelakangnya tampak bayangan Buddha.
Tangan raksasa
Akatsuki kewalahan
Kakuzu : Apa itu? Hidan : Peduli amat! Terus serang! Kakuzu menyerang duluan. Dari sekitar Chiriku tampak tangan raksasa memukul Kakuzu habis-habisan. Hidan : Kau milikku! Hidan juga kewalahan menghadapi pukulan tangan raksasa ini. Hidan dan Kakuzu tergeletak di tanah. Para biksu senang.
kakuzu tergeletak
Hidan tergeletak
Chiriku : Aku akan mengubur kalian. Hidan : Memangnya aku mau dikubur oleh yang berkeyakinan lain. Jashin sama akan menghukumku. Aku kesal. Bajingan ini bukan jinchuuriki kan? Berarti aku bisa menjalankan perintah agamaku disini. Kakuzu : Lakukan sesukamu, tapi mayatnya itu berharga. Pastikan orang masih bisa mengenali wajahnya.
Hidan berbaring diatas simbol Jashin
Hi no Tera hancur
Hidan bangkit. Hidan : Orang seharusnya tidak melakukan bisnis perdagangan manusia, tahu!. Kakuzu, jangan ikut campur. Aku akan mencabiknya. Hidan menyerang Chiriku : Aku Chiriku no Hi no Tera dan aku tak akan kalah oleh orang sepertimu. Raigou senjusatsu! Chiriku kembali mengeluarkan jutsu Buddha. *****
Hi no Tera hancur. Hidan tiduran diatas symbol Jashin.
Akatsuki bergegas
Hidan : Sepertinya disini memang tak ada jinchuuriki. Kita akan menuju mangsa berikutnya selesainya aku berdoa. Kakuzu : Tidak. Kita harus menukar mayat ini dulu ke tempat penukaran buronan. Masalah uang lebih dulu. ***** Seorang biksu mengintai dari reruntuhan Hi no Tera. Biksu : Aku harus memberitahukan Konoha. Kakuzu : Ayo kita berangkat. Hi no Kuni ini besar. Kita akan kehabisan waktu. Hidan : Kaulah yang membuat kita terlambat. Hey tunggu. *****
Kakashi membisikan sesuatu
Naruto : Kakashi sensei! Sepertinya aku butuh bunshin lagi. Kakashi : Kau tak akan bisa memotong air terjun kecuali kau membangkitkan chakra alamiah futon yang besar sekali. Semakin banyak bunshin yang kau buat, semakin sedikit jatah chakra masing-masing bunshin. Lagi pula, air terjunnya hanya cukup untuk sepuluh bunshin. Naruto : Apa? Siapa peduli. Kalau begitu berikan aku saran supaya aku bisa lebih baik lagi. Kakashi : Kau kurang lama menjaga chakra dalam tubuhmu. Pertahankan dan lakukan dengan benar.
Air terjun melebar
Naruto : Tapi jika aku makan waktu lama, aku tak akan bisa menggunakan dalam pertempuran. Kau sedang latihan sekarang, jangan pikirkan pertarungan. Kau akan lebih cepat jika sudah terbiasa. Naruto : Tapi. Kakashi : Tahu tidak. Manipulasi alamiah biasanya makan waktu bertahun-tahun. Bahkan memotong daun pun seharusnya makan waktu enam bulan. Kau berhasil hanya dalam beberapa jam. Tak perlu terburu-buru. Kau telah menjadi lebih baik lebih cepat dari yang di perkirakan. Saat aku mengajarkan chidori pada Sasuke, seorang yang benar-benar jenius, hal itu memakan beberapa hari penuh untuknya menguasai elemen ration.
taju kage bunshin
Naruto : Aku akan mengejar Sasuke!!! Kakashi : Dasar anak kecil. Kakashi mendekati Yamato. Kakashi : Tenzou. Kakashi membisikkan sesuatu. Yamato : Baikllah, kalau menurutmu begitu. Yamato melebarkan air terjun dan melebarkan pohon. Kakashi : Wah. Itu membuatmu lelah yah? Yamato : (Terlihat sangat lelah) oh. Tidak juga. Aku…. Baik.. Baik.. Saja.. (Terbatuk) Kakashi : Terlalu berat. Bagaimana! Jangan mengeluh lagi! Naruto : Taju kage bunshin no jutsu.
I was pretty satisfied with this finale. It didn’t feel rushed, but it wasn’t too dragged out either — it wrapped up everything much as you’d expect, but managed to insert enough details to keep it interesting (because I was fearing that the ending would go down too predictably and therefore be lame). Oh, and you know the part that they kept saying would deviate from the Hana Yori Dango original? I LOVED IT.
Toy – “Bon Voyage” with Jo Wan-sun of Roller Coaster. [ Download ]
Oh my god, this recap is so long. Sorry, guys! You are forewarned.
Jan-di visits the hospital in the early morning, while Jun-pyo is still sleeping. She makes a joking comment trying to magic back his memory (”abra cadabra, make Gu Jun-pyo remember Geum Jan-di”), then drops off her dosirak lunchbox at his bedside.
Later that morning, Yumi comes by. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt (so far she’s annoying, but not evil), but really, she’s got boundary issues to be slipping into a sleeping patient’s room and applying a skincare device to his face while he sleeps. That wakes him up.
Glancing over at the side table, he wonders what the lunchbox is doing there. Yumi opens the containers, and as she pulls out the Jun-pyo Face Rice tray and the egg roll-up snacks, Jun-pyo furrows his brow, a thought niggling at the back of his mind.
He tries one of the egg rolls, and the taste jogs his memory — it gives him a vague (good) feeling. Jun-pyo asks if she made the food, and for a brief moment Yumi hesitates, as though wondering how to answer, then nods. He says, “I remember. The thing I forgot — it was you, right?”
Although you get the sense she hadn’t intended to lie at first, this is too good for her to pass up, so she goes with it.
F2 arrive at the restaurant for some lunch, while the girls watch in puzzlement, wondering why they’re here. Finally, when they’re done eating, they announce the good news: Jun-pyo’s been released from the hospital.
Jan-di perks up. The guys encourage her to go to him, and she rushes off excitedly.
Yi-jung remains behind, because he has something to say to Ga-eul. They watch clay baking in a kiln as Ga-eul muses, “They look happy, those plates inside. For some reason, rather than thinking they’re hurting in that heat, it feels like they’re happy. They’re full of hope that if they endure this, they can come out and receive love.”
Yi-jung has two things to tell her, and starts with the bad news first, the way she likes it: He’s leaving. He adds, “I guess that may not be bad news to you.” He plans to remain abroad for four or five years.
Ga-eul tries to be optimistic, saying it’s actually good news because he’ll be sure to return an even better potter. She asks for the second part, so he tells her, “When I come back, I’ll come find you first.”
That’s even more startling than the first, but makes her much happier. Perhaps Yi-jung is a little uncomfortable to have opened up, because he adds, “I mean, if you can’t find your soulmate by then.” But that’s enough of a confession for Ga-eul, who breaks into a smile.
Eager to see Jun-pyo, Jan-di rushes into his room, calling out a welcome greeting, then stops short: Yumi is already there. Jun-pyo just tells her that Ji-hoo’s not here, and that she should take care of her boyfriend before rushing to check up on him.
At his ungracious non-welcome, Jan-di figures this was a mistake, and turns to go. Yumi steps in to admonish Jun-pyo for being mean, and urges Jan-di to stay for tea. It’s an odd dynamic, because Yumi has usurped Jan-di’s position as hostess, and I’m not the only one who thinks she’s an upstart: the maids also direct dirty looks at Yumi.
Jun-pyo acts pretty friendly and relaxed with Yumi, which is hard for Jan-di to watch, so she gets up to leave. Jun-pyo tosses out casually, “Don’t come by again.” (He doesn’t say so in a mean tone, but maybe it’s all the more hurtful that he’s so blasé about something that means so much.) He adds, “When I see you, I feel really bad. It bothers me.”
Jan-di retorts, “Fine. I’m sorry! I won’t come by anymore!”
Yumi reads the tension and follows Jan-di outside to ask, “Are you the person Jun-pyo oppa is supposed to remember?” She sees that Jan-di is, and takes a tone of concern as she says, “But as you can tell, I think it’s worse for him to see you. If he sees you, I think his condition will deteriorate. So for now, I think it’ll be better if you don’t drop by. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to bring back his memories of you naturally.”
Yumi’s words are reassuring, but Jan-di is also a little doubtful; after Yumi rejoins Jun-pyo, Jan-di peers inside. Jun-pyo asks Yumi to make the lunchbox again — proof that Yumi had taken credit for her lunch, which probably means she’s lying about the rest, too.
Upset, Jan-di rushes down the stairs on the way out and bumps into Ji-hoo, who tells her firmly, “Don’t run away.”
Jan-di tries to escape, but Ji-hoo says, “You can’t be pushed aside like this.” Pulling Jan-di behind him, he heads for Jun-pyo’s room. Unfortunately, they find Jun-pyo and Yumi napping cozily on the couch together.
That hurts. Jan-di rebuffs Ji-hoo’s attempts to reason with her (and persuade her to fight for Jun-pyo), telling him that it’s over, she’s done: “Even if he lost his memory, even if we started over from the beginning, I had faith he would recognize me. But I was wrong.”
Ji-hoo starts to protest, but Jan-di isn’t swayed:
Jan-di: “No, it may be upsetting and unfair, but I have to acknowledge the truth. The Gu Jun-pyo I loved is gone now.” Ji-hoo: “I told you that you couldn’t be the little mermaid. I can’t let you two break up over such a ridiculous thing.” Jan-di: “This isn’t because of Yumi. In the end, Geum Jan-di and Gu Jun-pyo could only make it this far.”
Yumi presents her lunchbox to Jun-pyo, who eats an egg roll with anticipation. However, the moment he registers the taste, he frowns: “This isn’t it. The taste is different from before. Did you really make it that time?”
Yumi stutters, “O-of course! Who else could have made it? That’s just because every time I make it, the taste is a little different. I’ll make it right next time.”
But something’s not right, and the taste of the food just enhances his bad feeling. He says, frustrated, “That girl. That Jan-di weed girl — I can’t forget her expression.”
Yumi: “That’s too mean! How could you say that? I’m the one who was with you, from the hospital up till now, but you feel so bothered by a girl who just dropped by and bugged you a few times? Your friends all treat me badly and take her side, and her boyfriend totally ignores me. But still, I put up with it because of you. If you act like this too, what is Yumi supposed to do?”
For us who know the truth, she’s obviously way over the line with this speech — but if she really WAS Jun-pyo’s girlfriend, I suppose this is how she would react, and she’s acting her part to the hilt. She cries, and makes Jun-pyo feel uncomfortable.
The guilt trip works, because the next thing we know, Yumi and Jun-pyo are jointly hosting a “surprise pool party.” (I’m wondering what the surprise is, if they’re handing out formal invitations.) The setting is absolutely gorgeous. In fact, this entire episode is pretty visually stunning, on the whole.
Yumi wastes some screentime with a harp performance — and seriously, Mr. Jeon PD, do you really have to pay tribute to yourself (again!) by using a My Girl theme song here?
Feeling pretty low, Jan-di steps aside to be alone. Yumi finds her by the pool and keeps up the ruse that she’s been working to “help” Jan-di. She has news to report, but it’s not good: “He doesn’t remember you.”
Yumi speaks obnoxiously about herself in the third person (because we don’t already hate her enough?): “I’m sorry to tell you, but Yumi likes Jun-pyo. I didn’t try to deliberately, but I ended up falling for him, so much that I can’t break up with him. Oppa feels the same as Yumi. But you can understand, can’t you? We can’t control our hearts.”
Yumi draws everyone’s attention to make a big announcement: She and Jun-pyo are going to study abroad together to the States. They will leave in one month.
F3 marvel in a sort of disgusted fascination at Yumi’s fast maneuvering. Ji-hoo leads Jan-di away from the crowd to the pool, where he leaves her while for a moment to get her a drink.
Alone, Jan-di takes out her star-moon necklace, just as Jun-pyo walks by. As soon as he sees her, Jun-pyo turns to leave, but Jan-di asks if he remembers the necklace she’s holding, or the names engraved on it. Jun-pyo takes a look at the “JJ” and says irritably, “How would I know that?”
Jan-di holds it out to him: “I’m giving it back. Take it.” None of this makes sense for Jun-pyo, and he retorts, “Why would I take something like this? If you want to get rid of it, do it yourself.”
He hands it back. Jan-di says, almost defiantly, “Fine.” She throws the necklace into the pool, where it settles on the bottom. But she’s not quite done:
Jan-di: “Gu Jun-pyo. I’ll ask just one more thing. Do you know how to swim?” Jun-pyo: “Swim? I don’t swim.” Jan-di: “You don’t, or you can’t?” Jun-pyo: “I have a bad childhood memory, so I don’t swim. I’ve never learned.” Jan-di: “No. You did know how.”
Jun-pyo bristles at the way Jan-di is talking about him so familiarly, but her words start to unnerve him, particularly as she tells him what kind of person he truly is (including a few of the sayings he’d messed up previously):
Jan-di: “You’re hardly afraid of anything in this world, yet you shake in fear over a bug. You’re an idiot who thinks it’s better to get all your ribs bashed in than see one of your girl’s fingers break. You’re a dummy who can’t tell the difference between the words privacy and pride, who insists like a train that swallowed its heart that the 38th Strategy [of ancient China] is running away [it's the 36th]. You say you hate kids, but you want to be a devoted father who watches the stars with your son. You’re a lonely person with a lot of love.”
Uneasily, Jun-pyo demands, “What are you really after?”
Jan-di tells him, “Say my name,” then starts to step backward, slowly, purposefully. At the edge of the pool, Jan-di pauses… and then lets herself fall backward into the pool.
It’s an eerily beautiful image as she hits the water, stiff as a board.
In the pool, Jan-di picks up the necklace, but doesn’t come back up to the surface. Clutching the necklace, she remains submerged.
The rest of the party rushes to the water’s edge, alarmed. Jun-pyo stands frozen in shock… and then, memories come flooding back.
In quick succession, he flashes to all the other water-related emergencies earlier in the drama (if I didn’t love this moment so much it would be funny that they have enough of those to compile a montage).
He whispers, “Jan-di.” Then, jolted out of his stupor, Jun-pyo shouts her name again, and dives in.
Memory now back in full force, Jun-pyo pulls her to safety, where he tries to revive her. In a panic, he administers CPR and calls her name repeatedly, until Jan-di sputters awake.
She looks up and asks weakly, “Do you remember now?” He tells her he’s sorry, and she asks him to say her name again.
He clutches her to him and obliges.
(Yumi walks off, petulant. Good riddance!)
And then, it’s back to everyday life, kinda.
Jan-di and her family are back at their old place in Seoul, and she’s about to graduate. She doesn’t intend on going to her graduation party, although her mother urges her to.
Jun-pyo calls her out to congratulate her on her upcoming graduation. He also asks if she’s really serious about medical school, teasing about how she’s not smart enough.
He’s also here to request a date. Echoing an early scene, Jun-pyo traps Jan-di against his car, leans in closely, and says: “Tomorrow, ___.”
Naturally, just as he relays that crucial bit of information, a passing motorcycle drowns out his words. Jun-pyo thinks his message is clear and warns Jan-di that if she’s late this time, she’s really dead.
True to her word, Jan-di doesn’t plan on showing up to her graduation party, but a stretch limo pulls up (presumably from Jun-pyo) to take her — so when she arrives at the formal party, she’s still wearing her school uniform. (Let’s ignore the horrid dancing and the familiar set, shall we?)
F3 greet her warmly, and Woo-bin steps up first to ask her to dance. This allows each person a send-off as each gets his moment with Jan-di. As she dances with Woo-bin, she thinks, “Song Woo-bin, he’s always reliable and caring, as though he was the eldest in F4. I know now that he understands better than anyone how to comfort a person’s feelings, while standing one step behind.”
With Yi-jung, she thinks: “He acts cold and like a bad boy, but in reality he’s warm and innocent. Thanks to Yi-jung sunbae, I think Ga-eul has really become a lovable woman.”
Ji-hoo’s last:
“I was like Alice dropped into Wonderland. Could he know what a huge solace he was to me, that I was able to meet him whenever I went to that emergency door? He’s like a ‘bonus’ given to me from heaven. I won’t ever forget him. My soulmate Ji-hoo sunbae, thank you.”
When Jun-pyo doesn’t make his appearance, the guys wonder what’s keeping him. Jan-di thinks back to his drowned-out words, and now realizes what this reminds her of — and rushes off to Namsan Tower.
Sure enough, Jun-pyo’s waiting for her and asks, “Didn’t I say you were dead if you were late?” But he’s not upset, and with a snap of his fingers, lights fill the courtyard.
Jun-pyo comments, “It’s nothing magical. Stuff like this is really easy — compared to tending to the Jan-di-baht.” (Literally, “maintaining the grass.”)
Since this is a reenactment of their first date (albeit upgraded), Jun-pyo buys her coffee, then leads her to the viewing deck. In a cute moment, Jun-pyo brings her to the cable car, intending on pointing out the graffiti he’d written on their first date, but Jan-di’s embarrassed and blocks his view.
She complains, “Why’d you write this, and make it impossible for me to get married?” (This means that it makes her look promiscuous and would therefore be a stain on her character.)
Jun-pyo doesn’t see the problem: “Then just marry me — who else are you thinking of marrying?” In contrast to her grimace, Jun-pyo looks at the scrawled words proudly, announcing, “Now you can’t get married.” (To anyone else.)
But now it’s time for them to get down to some serious talk. Jan-di tenses nervously when Jun-pyo’s tone turns solemn: “Let’s marry.”
Jan-di doesn’t know whether he’s joking — he isn’t — and is completely taken aback, since she just graduated from high school. Jun-pyo explains, “I have to go to America. This time it’s not because of my mother, or the company. I decided this.”
He’s decided to take his future into his own hands: “I’m going to do my best. If I can save the company, that’s good. If I can’t, I’ll shut it down with my own hands.”
Jan-di’s dismayed when he says that he’ll be back in four years at best, asking, “That long?” Jun-pyo: “So come with me.”
But that’s not the magic solution, and it’s Jan-di’s turn to grow (more) solemn. She can’t go with him: “When you went to Macau, I made a decision too, regarding my dream, my work, what I want to be. Like you, I have something I want to devote myself to, and it’s here.”
It’s not a rejection, it’s reality butting in. Jan-di says with a hint of a smile, “Go, and come back. In four years, if you come back as a really impressive man, I’ll think about it again then.”
At this, the mood lightens. Maybe it’s not an ideal solution, but the compromise will work for them. Jun-pyo asks, half-jokingly, “Do you mean that? If you lose me, you’ll really regret it.” She teases back, “Hey, if you lose me, you’re the one who’ll regret it.”
Jun-pyo has no problems admitting, “I know that if I lose you, I’ll regret it till I die.”
Once again repeating some words she’d formerly told him, Jan-di says, “Gu Jun-pyo. You may not be a complete idiot.”
And now, we’re four years later.
Jun-pyo has made significant progress as a managing director with the company, and is being interviewed on television. While it starts with his business successes, the interview segues into personal questions. Naturally, as a rich, young, handsome chaebol, Jun-pyo’s the target of a lot of crushes and romance speculation.
When asked whether there’s anybody in his life to help him through the hard times, Jun-pyo responds, “It would be a lie to say I haven’t had tough times or been lonely. But because of a promise I made with somebody, I drew upon that as support and was able to endure.”
Watching proudly are Jun-pyo’s family — Mama Kang actually shows warmth as she watches alongside her husband, showing him affection that we’d never seen from her. It looks like she’s finally showing the personality that the others have hinted at — the kinder version of herself before she’d become Shinhwa chair.
And maybe the biggest surprise in this epilogue is that Jun-hee has now taken over from her mother’s position — she’s the new Shinhwa chair.
Next up: Yi-jung, who arrives at the airport with dark shades and a swagger. (I’m sorry, Yi-jung being badass just makes me giggle.) True to his word, he heads first to Ga-eul, who is now a teacher. He watches as she leads her young students in a pottery session, then steps in.
It’s adorable how one of the little girls looks at Yi-jung and asks, “Ajusshi, did you come from abroad?” He’s surprised that she guessed right, and she follows up, “Did you come from Sweden?” Is he their teacher’s boyfriend? ‘Cause, y’see, Teacher Lady mentioned something about someone in Sweden… A little embarrassed, Ga-eul moves to shut the girl up, but Yi-jung enjoys this proof that she’s been talking about him to her kids. (SO CUTE.)
Now, for Jan-di. And, somewhat surprisingly, also Ji-hoo.
She is a student at Shinhwa University’s medical school, as is Ji-hoo. As we might expect, Jan-di’s sorta struggling along, klutzy and bumbling as ever, while Ji-hoo is doing very well and about to graduate.
Today, they’re on a sort of medical outreach trip. During a break, Jan-di sighs to Ji-hoo about her tough time, and he teases her about failing.
A sudden disturbance interrupts their conversation — a helicopter hovers above, and a familiar voice comes over the loudspeaker. Just like a prior scene when Jun-pyo crashed Jan-di’s working vacation on the fishing boat, he now announces, “Oy, commoner! Can you hear me? Geum Jan-di!”
He instructs her meet him at the beach and zooms away.
When she arrives at the beach, well, now THIS really is almost paradise! (Yes, I’ll admit it — despite making my ears bleed earlier, I was glad to hear the return of “Almost Paradise” after its extended vacation.)
Jan-di approaches with gladness, but a little disbelief to see Jun-pyo here in the flesh .
Indicating her white coat, he teases that she looks like “an ugly duckling playing at being the white egret” — another callback to a previous Jun-pyo-ism (he means swan). At that, Jan-di laughs, “It really is you.”
Pulling her to him in a hug, Jun-pyo says, “I missed you to death. I’m not letting go again.”
He reminds her that she’d agreed to marry him when he came back. Jan-di returns, “Look here, Dummy Gu Jun-pyo. If you want to get technical, I said when you came back in four years, I’d think about it.”
Jun-pyo drops down to one knee, pulls out a ring box, and makes it official: “Geum Jan-di. Marry me.”
And of course, at that moment a voice calls out:
Ji-hoo: “I have an objection to that proposal!” Yi-jung: “I do, too!” Woo-bin: “Me too! You two can’t agree without our approval!”
Saya ank'x Gokil,Humoriz,Pengertian,Menerima teman apa adanya, Kadang2 Diaem kadang2 Heboh, and saya suka sama Film Drama Asia Terutama Boys Before Flowers